The Parent Education Resource Center is a service provided by Region 9 PTA, Alpine School District, and the city of Orem to Patrons of this area. PERC follows the closure schedules of the city of Orem and the Alpine School District. Staffed by volunteers and funded throughs HUD's Community Development Block Grants and Alpine School District, PERC is a free service to members of this extended community.
PERC materials are shelved by skill or topic and not by age or grade level. Materials are available for check out without a charge for a period of one week with a renewal period of one additional week. Patrons may check out a total of six (6) items, but not more than two (2) movies (VHS or DVD), two (2) CD-ROMS, or four (4) audio tapes among the six. Late fines are $0.10 per day for everything except movies and CD-ROMs which have a late fine of $0.50 per day.
Children who accompany their parents to PERC are not allowed in the stacks (shelves) but are invited to play at the table with the toys provided there.
Patrons who come after hours may use the book drop down the hall past PERC door or the upstairs book drop for the main library. Please return items with their rubber bands on them and in a plastic bag to keep them together. Items which are too large for the book drops may be left at the main library desk.
Because this is a free service, we encourage you to take good care of the materials so that they may be used by others. In order to get the most benefit from the games, play with your children, helping them build their skills and learn the concepts. That will also provide supervision to prevent damage to or loss of game pieces. The fine for lost pieces is $1.50 or the replacement cost for each piece; the fine for lost or ruined games is the cost plus a $5.00 processing fee
Although PERC volunteers do their best to be accurate in counting parts of the games and materials, if you open a game and something is missing, please call us immediately at (801) 229-7390 so that we may check for it on the shelves.